Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finally have a video...

I finally dragged the camera along on a test drive I took after doing a little work on the car. I didn't really want to make a music video like so many others out there... I wanted to catch the exhaust notes, especially seeing as I have never heard them from outside the car. Unfortunately between my worn out front bearings and this annoying clicking noise my camera makes, the exhaust is somewhat drowned out when inside the car... anyhow, here it is...

Monday, April 11, 2011

A little more care love...

She's come a little further since I took this shot last fall. I decided flaunting the intercooler was looking a tad too ricey, so I did a lot of trimming on the vents, taped up the intercooler pipes with black tape to get more of the sleeper look. These last few months I've been focusing on maintenance work more than anything. I've been battling some boost leaks for a while now and have slowly been replacing the whole PCV system along with the general throttle body and intake hoses. Trying to go as much silicone as possible on the hoses. I was intending on keeping a little more up to date on what I've been doing, time has just gotten away from me. Since I did the exhaust, I've thrown on some of Raxles heavy duty axles, HPS silicone intake and throttle body hose, as well as a few suspension goodies like the R32 heavy duty control arm bushings and soon I hope to get the H2 sport spindles I ordered back in January... Till then I have to crank up the stereo to try to cover up the sound of my shot front bearings...
This is my current setup. I've obviously done a little body work, but I think the cool stuff is the performance stuff.

I've also done some messing around with an HID headlight setup. I've tried all kinds of HID packages trying to get my desired setup. I've tried 35 watts and ebay specials and didn't like any of them. I had a buddy who used the ebay setup on his Mazda and it seemed to work well, but nothing ebay worked for me. I finally got a Monimoto kit that seems to work really well. The bulbs were a little shorter than the various kits I had tried previously, which allowed me to actually aim my lights properly. I also opted for the brighter 55 watt ballast and they're great for driving the small Texas farm roads at night. I'm glad I finally figured out a good HID setup, the Monimoto's were my last attempt before I scrapped HID's all together and went back to halogen.

I'll try to post some pictures of the sport spindle install if these things ever come in. Till then...